Anti-drone System

Anti-drone system adalah sistem yang digunakan untuk mencegah, menghalangi, atau menghancurkan drone yang tidak diinginkan atau yang membahayakan. Sistem ini biasanya terdiri dari sensor, kontrol, dan peralatan penghancur drone, yang dapat digunakan secara manual atau otomatis.

Anti-drone system dapat digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi, seperti pemeliharaan keamanan di area pemerintahan, militer, atau komersial, pemantauan perbatasan, dan pemantauan cuaca. Beberapa contoh sistem anti-drone yang umum digunakan adalah radar, sensor inframerah, dan jammer frekuensi radio.

Namun, perlu diingat bahwa penggunaan sistem anti-drone harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati dan sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku, karena penggunaan yang tidak sesuai dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi penerbangan umum dan keamanan publik.

Menampilkan semua 3 hasil

  • Drone Hunter FD

    Drone Hunter FD is a powerful countermeasure against drone threats and comprises the RF Jammer antenna fronted and the backend jammer system. Designed to provide the jamming coverage of commercial ISM bands and GNSS L1 & L2 at 5.0 km (directional).

    Drone Hunter FD effectively neutralizes single drone or multiple drones approaching from a certain direction within the antenna beamwidth. Drone Hunter FD equipped with the dedicated high-power amplifier and signal generator modules supports full power and multi band jamming.

  • Drone Hunter FO

    Drone Hunter FO is a powerful countermeasure against drone threats, and is designed to provide the jamming coverage of commercial ISM bands and GNSS L1 & L2 at 2.0 km (omnidirectional). Drone Hunter FO effectively neutralizes swarms of drones approaching from various directions with its 360° omnidirectional antenna beamwidth. Drone Hunter FO equipped with the dedicated high-power amplifier and signal generator modules supports full power and multi-band jamming.

  • Drone Hunter FP6

    Drone Hunter FP6 is a powerful countermeasure against the drone threat and comprises the flat panel directional antenna, jammer module, and power supply unit.

    It is designed to provide the jamming coverage of commercial ISM bands and GNSS L1 & L2 at 500m ~ 1km, obtaining maximum gain. Drone Hunter FP6 effectively neutralizes single or multiple drones approaching from a particular direction within the antenna beamwidth.